
Lesson 2


Unit 10

10th Grade

Lesson 2 of 23


Characterize Macbeth and Banquo based on their reaction to the witches.

Readings and Materials

  • Play: Macbeth by William Shakespeare  — Act 1, Scene 3

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Target Task

Writing Prompt

What is the significance of Macbeth’s first words in this scene? Explain.

Multiple Choice

Which best describes the difference in opinion of the witches between Banquo and Macbeth?

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What does the following line reveal about Macbeth?

"...stars, hide your fires, let not light see my black and deep desires."

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Key Questions

  • What are the witches doing as we open the scene? How does that contribute to mood?
  • How are Macbeth's first words in this scene significant? Which literary technique is being used in this line? (alliteration, motif of confusion)
  • What is Banquo looking at in lines 40–45?
  • Find Banquo’s use of alliteration. What is he describing with it?
  • Track all of the titles the witches use for Macbeth. Which are currently true? Which are not?
  • What does Banquo call the witches in line 56? 
  • Characterize Banquo based on his words to the witches in lines 63–65.
  • Track the witches’ words. What do they reinforce? How?
  • What does Macbeth command in lines 73–75? What does this imply?
  • How would you characterize the relationship between Macbeth and Banquo from their interaction in lines 82–90? What is the difference between them? Note what Banquo suggests is the cause.
  • How does part of the prophecy come true? Why has it come true?
  • What is Macbeth's reaction to becoming Thane of Cawdor? (125) What does this signify about his character?
  • What does Macbeth see as good/bad here? What kind of person does he show he is? 
  • End of Scene 3 to line 175: How do Macbeth's words and actions support what we have already established? What is he focusing on?
  • What three prophecies do the witches give Macbeth and Banquo? 
  • Who will become prince of Cumberland? What must Macbeth do to him?


  • This scene is key to understanding the difference between Macbeth and Banquo. Students must know the prophecy: Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor and Glamis (both have come true) and eventually king, and Banquo’s sons will be kings.
  • While Banquo is skeptical of the supernatural, Macbeth is intrigued, which is the first hint of Macbeth’s inner ambition.
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