The Crucible (2021)

Lesson 2


Unit 12

10th Grade

Lesson 2 of 22


Finish “The Lottery” and explain how Jackson’s tone serves to underscore the horror of the events in the story.

Readings and Materials

  • Short Story: “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson  — pp. 5-end

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Target Task

Multiple Choice

What is the main effect of the author waiting to reveal the fate of the lottery winner until the end?

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Sample Response

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Writing Prompt

Explain how the author characterizes Tess. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Key Questions

Questions for Homework Review: 

  • What order are the names being called in?
  • How is the crowd reacting as people go up?
  • How does the author describe how people hold the papers once they draw them? What might this mean?
  • What is happening over in the “North Village” and what does Warner think of it?
  • How is Mrs. Dunbar feeling?
  • What evidence on p. 4 continues to reinforce our hypothesis?
  • How does the author create rising action?

End of “The Lottery” Questions:

  • Who has “won” the lottery?
  • Track this person’s reaction. What is wrong here?
  • What line is repeated? What is the impact of the repetition?
  • How is Tess characterized?
  • What happens to the “winner” of the lottery? Be specific.


During the review of the homework reading (p. 4), students should notice that alphabetical order is a very impersonal, routine way to do things. However, the people are quite anxious during the process. 


Reexamine “The Lottery” for clues early on that hint at the eventual ending. 

Explain theme in a short written response that addresses Checks For Understanding from the previous unit’s test.

Lesson 3

Lesson Map


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