Dreaming in Cuban

Lesson 5


Unit 5

11th Grade

Lesson 5 of 31


Explain how Garcia uses tone to characterize Pilar.

Contrast views on Communism.

Readings and Materials

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Target Task

Question 1

Which of the following best describes Pilar’s overall tone?

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Question 2

Based on p. 26, explain Celia’s, Lourdes’s, and Pilar’s views on Communists.

Question 3

What is the relationship between the Marx article and the chapter? Explain using evidence from both sources.

Key Questions


  • How does the point of view shift on p. 25?
  • What is Pilar doing on p. 25?
  • Annotate for specific diction Pilar uses to describe her parents and her life throughout this chapter.
  • What does Pilar hope for on p. 25?
  • How does Lourdes view Communists according to p. 26? Compare this with Celia’s views on Communists.


  • How does the author characterize Marx in the first five paragraphs?
  • According to paragraph 10, how did Marx and Engels characterize the struggle between the bourgeois and the proletariat?
  • What does the manifesto predict will ultimately happen?
  • What is Marx’s position on the bourgeoisie?
  • What was the manifesto’s main impact?


  • Pilar can be read at home before class (she is more interesting and accessible than some of the characters) if necessary.
  • It is important for students to note that the point of view changes from third person limited to first person limited here.
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