Cinderella Around the World

Lesson 5


Unit 1

2nd Grade

Lesson 5 of 23


Explain how the queen knows that Cinderella has good character, and what else Zahra does to show her good character by using the text and illustrations to describe characters and how they respond to events.

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Target Task

Discussion & Writing Prompt

The queen says, "It is rare to find young ladies with such good character." How did the queen know that Cinderella had a good character?

Sample Response

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How else does Cinderella, or Zahra, show good character?

Sample Response

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Key Questions

  • Who surprised Cinderella? Why?

  • Fluency: When I read aloud, I read fluently. I am going to read page 24 and I want you to notice the way I read. How does it help you better understand the story?

  • How is Cinderella different from the other women at the Eid party?

  • How does the stepmother respond when the glass slipper fits Cinderella? Why did it not matter?

  • How does Cinderella treat her stepsisters at the end of the book? Why?




acting in a way that is kind, right, or polite



arrogant; thinking you are better than others





  • Review the Arabic words taqwa and imam in the glossary of Arabic terms as they are important for students’ understanding of the Target Task today.

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Common Core Standards

  • L.2.4 — Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies.
  • RL.2.3 — Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges.
  • RL.2.7 — Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.

Supporting Standards



Produce complete simple sentences orally and in writing.

Lesson 6

Lesson Map


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