Stories of Immigration

Lesson 19


Unit 4

2nd Grade

Lesson 19 of 29


Interview a family member, neighbor, friend, or school staff member. Write a letter to the person explaining what you learned from them and why you admire them.

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Target Task

Writing Prompt

Interview a family member, neighbor, friend, or school staff member.

Your interview should help you answer the following questions:

  • Where did their family come from?
  • How and why did they move to where they live now?
  • What challenges, if any, did they face?

Write a letter to the person you interviewed. In the letter, tell the person what you learned from them and what you admire about their story.


  • Think about your class and school demographics when planning this lesson. Prepare a variety of options for students to meaningfully engage with the assignment. This could include inviting school staff members to the classroom for interviews, bringing in community members, video-chatting with someone in a different community, or asking other student’s parents to come to class to be interviewed. It cannot be assumed that every child will have a family member they can interview. If students are interviewing family members, part one of this lesson sequence may need to happen earlier in the unit to ensure that students have enough time to interview family members.

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Common Core Standards

  • L.2.2.b — Use commas in greetings and closings of letters.
  • L.2.6 — Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to describe (e.g., When other kids are happy that makes me happy).
  • SL.2.2 — Recount or describe key ideas or details from a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media.
  • SL.2.4 — Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.
  • SL.2.6 — Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification.
  • W.2.1 — Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.
  • W.2.7 — Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., read a number of books on a single topic to produce a report; record science observations).
  • W.2.8 — Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.

Supporting Standards



Discuss the different reasons people choose to immigrate and settle in a new community.

Write a letter to a child whose family is about to immigrate and settle in a new community by stating an opinion and supplying supporting reasons.

Lesson 20

Lesson Map


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