Declaring Identity: Being Jazz (2020)

Lesson 21


Unit 11

6th Grade

Lesson 21 of 28


Compare and contrast two accounts of the same event described in Being Jazz.

Readings and Materials

  • Book: Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen by Jazz Jennings  pp. 199 – 204

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Target Task

Writing Prompt

How does Jazz’s interpretation (and opinion) of the interruption at the White House differ from Jennicet’s? Provide at least two pieces of evidence from the texts to support your answer.

Key Questions

  • Using your knowledge of all three sources, explain what happened at the White House when Obama was interrupted by a “heckler.”
  • How does watching the video of the event (after reading Jazz’s description) change or develop your understanding of what happened? Provide details from the video to support your answer.
  • How does Jennicet’s statement develop your understanding of Gutierrez’s motivation? Does it change your perspective on her actions? Provide at least two pieces of evidence from the text to support your answer.
  • Discussion: Do you agree with Jazz that Gutierrez didn’t “deliver [her message] in the right way” (203)? Do you think her message would have been more effective if she had delivered it in another way?
  • Discussion: Do you think other people should have stood up for her? Why do you think she felt so upset that they did not?

Lesson Guidance


  • Students should reread Jazz’s description of the event where a woman “heckled” President Obama (pages 203–204).
  • Then, show students the video embedded in the article “Meet Jennicet, One Month after she Interrupted President Obama.” They should then review the notes they took for last night’s homework on Gutierrez’s statement.
  • Make sure that students understand the issue Gutierrez was standing up for.


  • Read Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen, pages 207–215.

Common Core Standards

  • RI.6.7 — Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
  • RI.6.9 — Compare and contrast one author's presentation of events with that of another (e.g., a memoir written by and a biography on the same person).


Analyze how Jazz concludes her memoir and how she continues to develop ideas in the text.

Lesson 22

Lesson Map


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