The Lightning Thief & Greek Mythology (2020)

Lesson 16


Unit 10

6th Grade

Lesson 16 of 28


Explain the author’s use of italics when depicting the evil use.

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Target Task

Question 1

What is the purpose of italics in the quote below? 

“‘No. This makes me sad.’ He pointed at all the garbage on the ground.” (p. 188)

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Which other detail uses italics in the same way?

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Question 2

Why do you suppose Rick Riordan uses italics rather than quotation marks to depict the evil voice coming from the pit on pp. 193–194? 

Key Questions

  • As you read this chapter, identify and explain the different ways the author uses italics to convey meaning. 
  • p. 189: What is Grover’s ultimate motive for getting his searcher’s license? Explain.
  • p. 192: According to Grover, what is Percy’s motivation for mailing Medusa’s head to Mount Olympus? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  • In past chapters, Rick Riordan has used Grover’s character for comic relief. How has he depicted Grover differently in this particular chapter? 
  • Dreams play an important role in the narrative. At Montauk, Percy first dreams of a horse and eagle fighting on the beach. Later, he dreams of a voice from the pit. As he gets closer to Los Angeles, his dreams get scarier and more specific. What would the book be like without these dream episodes? Is there information that Percy can only get from his dreams?
  • Who is Gladiola?
  • What is Grover’s plan to get money for the trip?


Resource: The Lightning Thief: A Teacher’s Guide (Rick Riordan, 2005)p. 72


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This lesson connects to a unit test question.

Common Core Standards

  • L.6.2 — Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
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