Finding Home: The House on Mango Street

Lesson 7


Unit 4

7th Grade

Lesson 7 of 19


Explain how Cisneros develops Esperanza’s perspective, identify how it changes, and explain how it differs from other characters' in the text.

Readings and Materials

  • Book: The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros  pp. 43 – 55 — "A Rice Sandwich" through "The First Job"

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Target Task

Writing Prompt

Reread the passage on page 5 where Esperanza has a conversation with a nun about where she lives. Then reread page 45. What perspective do these two nuns have on the neighborhood where Esperanza lives? How does their perspective impact the way that Esperanza feels? Provide evidence from both passages to support your answer.

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Key Questions

Close Read Questions

  • How and why does Esperanza’s perspective change over the course of the vignette, “Chanclas”? (pp. 46-48) How does Cisneros use figurative language to develop her perspective? Provide at least two pieces of evidence from this vignette, and use the word “preoccupied” in your answer.

  • What do hips represent to Esperanza? How does Cisneros use figurative language to develop her perspective? Provide at least two pieces of evidence from the vignette, “Hips.” (pp. 49-52)

  • How does the conversation about hips reveal how differently Esperanza and Nenny see the world? Why is their perspective so different? Provide at least two pieces of evidence from the vignette “Hips” to support your answer.

Discussion Questions

  • In the vignette, “The First Job,” Esperanza is assaulted by a man who kisses her on the mouth without her consent. What are your reactions to this scene?





so distracted by a thought that it is difficult to pay attention to anything else


To ensure that students are prepared for the next lesson, have students complete the following reading for homework. Use guidance from the next lesson to identify any additional language or background support students may need while independently engaging with the text.

  • Book: The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros  pp. 56 – 64 — "Papa Who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark" through "Elenita, Cards, Palm, Water"

While reading, answer the following questions.

  • Why does Papa come into Esperanza’s room early one morning?

  • Who is Aunt Lupe? What happened to her?

  • Who is Elenita? Why does Esperanza go see her?

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Common Core Standards

  • RL.7.6 — Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text.

Supporting Standards

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