Place Value with Numbers to 1,000 & Money

Lesson 13


Unit 4

2nd Grade

Lesson 13 of 22


Compare 2 three-digit numbers using place value.


I can compare 2 three-digit numbers and explain my thinking.

Common Core Standards

Core Standards

  • 2.NBT.A.4 — Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons.

Foundational Standards

  • 1.NBT.B.3

Criteria for Success

  1. Convert numbers in different forms to standard number form to compare.
  2. Use <, >, or = to note the relative relationship of two numbers.
  3. Show thinking by comparing hundreds, tens, and ones of a number to show relative comparison size.

Tips for Teachers

Lesson Materials

Warm Up

5-10 minutes

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Anchor Tasks

15-25 minutes

Problem 1

Write the value of each three-digit number and compare. Use <, >, or = to complete the statement.





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Upgrade to Fishtank Plus to view Facilitation Guidance and Sample Student Response for this Anchor Task.

Problem 2

Compare the following number using <, >, or =. Explain your thinking using your knowledge of hundreds, tens, and ones.

a.   500 + 90 + 3 ______ 573

b.   846 _____ 7 hundreds 17 tens 6 ones


Create a free account or sign in to access the Purpose for this Anchor Problem.

Upgrade to Fishtank Plus to view Facilitation Guidance and Sample Student Response for this Anchor Task.

Problem 3

Use the following numbers to fill in the blanks to make the statement true. Show your thinking.


70 + 500+ 9



11 tens 3 hundreds

4 hundreds 8 tens 8 ones

a.   _________________ > _________________

b.   _________________ < _________________

c.   _________________ = _________________


Create a free account or sign in to access the Purpose for this Anchor Problem.

Upgrade to Fishtank Plus to view Facilitation Guidance and Sample Student Response for this Anchor Task.

Problem Set

15-20 minutes

Target Task

5-10 minutes

Fill in the blank with a <, =, or > to make each statement true. For each problem, show your thinking using pictures,  numbers, or words.

a.   400 + 30 + 2 ______ 432

b.   305 _____ 325

c.   723 _____ 732

d.   671 _____ 571

e.   3 hundreds 13 tens _____ 3 hundreds 13 ones

Student Response

Additional Practice

Daily Word Problems, Warm Ups, and Center Activities are aligned to the content of the unit but not necessarily to the lesson objective, therefore feel free to use them anytime during your school day.

Word Problems and Fluency Activities


Order three-digit numbers using place value knowledge and number lines to explain thinking.

Lesson 14

Lesson Map


Topic A: Understanding and Representing Three Digit Numbers

Topic B: Reasoning with Numbers to 1000

Topic C: Place Value in Action - Money and Word Problems

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