Multi-Digit Division

Lesson 2


Unit 3

4th Grade

Lesson 2 of 16


Solve division word problems that require the interpretation of the remainder.

Common Core Standards

Core Standards

  • 4.OA.A.3 — Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.

Foundational Standards

  • 3.OA.C.7
  • 3.OA.D.8

Criteria for Success

  1. Solve division word problems within 100 that involve a remainder (MP.4). 
  2. Interpret the remainder in the context of the word problem, including:
    1. Discarding the remainder (such as when finding the number of jump ropes that can be made from a certain length of rope—any remaining rope can’t be used),
    2. Forcing the answer to the next highest whole number (such as when figuring out how many cars are needed to carry a certain number of people—any remaining individuals still need to be transported in another car), and
    3. Having the remainder be the answer to the problem (such as when wanting to know how much Halloween candy the teacher gets to keep after distributing some to students) (MP.1).

Tips for Teachers

“To compute and interpret remainders in word problems (4.OA.A.3), students must reason abstractly and quantitatively (MP.2), make sense of problems (MP.1), and look for and search for the structure (MP.7) in problems with similar interpretations of remainders” (PARCC Model Content Frameworks, Mathematics, Grades 3–11).

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Anchor Tasks

25-30 minutes

Problem 1

Solve the following problems. Think about the main differences between each one. 

a.   A teacher has 21 batteries. Each calculator uses 4 batteries. How many calculators can the teacher fill with batteries?

b.   Four children can ride in a car. How many cars are needed to take 21 children to the museum?

c.   Ms. Cole wants to share 21 pieces of candy with 4 students. If Ms. Cole gets to eat the pieces of candy that can’t be split evenly, how many pieces of candy will Ms. Cole get?

Guiding Questions

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Student Response

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Problem 2

a.   Mr. Janssen buys a plant at a gardening center. A flower blooms on the plant every seventh day. How many flowers are on his plant after 25 days? 

b.   Sean is switching bedrooms with his brother and needs to pack 28 toys into small boxes. He packs 5 toys in each box. How many boxes does he need?

c.   It takes 8 cups of flour to make a cake. I have 35 cups of flour. If I make as many cakes as possible, how many cups of flour will I have left over? How many more cups of flour would I need to be able to make another cake?

Guiding Questions

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Student Response

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Problem Set

15-20 minutes

Discussion of Problem Set

  • How did you decide how to interpret the remainder in each problem? 
  • Look at #2. How muh more money would Monica need to buy another mug? How did you find that?
  • Look at #7. How did you figure out how to write a word problem for each part? How was the remainder interpreted for each one? 

Target Task

5-10 minutes

Mr. Haik is ordering cake for a cast party for the school play. Each cake will be cut into 6 pieces. There are 45 cast members going to the party. How many cakes should Mr. Haik order so that every cast member can have one slice of cake at the party? 

Student Response

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Additional Practice

The Extra Practice Problems can be used as additional practice for homework, during an intervention block, etc. Daily Word Problems and Fluency Activities are aligned to the content of the unit but not necessarily to the lesson objective, therefore feel free to use them anytime during your school day.

Word Problems and Fluency Activities

Word Problems and Fluency Activities

Help students strengthen their application and fluency skills with daily word problem practice and content-aligned fluency activities.


Divide multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000 by one-digit numbers.

Lesson 3

Lesson Map


Topic A: Understanding and Interpreting Remainders

Topic B: Division of up to Four-Digit Whole Numbers by One-Digit Whole Numbers

Topic C: Multi-Step Word Problems and Patterns

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