Challenging Authority: The Giver

Lesson 8


Unit 2

6th Grade

Lesson 8 of 32


Explain how author Lois Lowry develops several central ideas in Chapter 13 of The Giver.

Readings and Materials

  • Book: The Giver by Lois Lowry  — Chapter 13

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Target Task

Writing Prompt

How does Lois Lowry develop the central idea in Chapter 13 that Jonas feels conflicted about the idea of people being able to make choices about their own lives? Provide at least two pieces of evidence that demonstrate this conflict.

Sample Response

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Key Questions

Close Read Questions

  • How does Lois Lowry develop the central idea that being the Receiver means that Jonas feels increasingly isolated from his community? Provide at least two examples from the text that develop this idea.

  • How does Lois Lowry develop the idea that Jonas thinks it is important that everyone in his community have access to the memories? Provide at least two examples from the text that develop this idea.

Discussion Questions

  • The Giver says that Jonas’ teachers know nothing because they do not have knowledge of the past. What does he mean? Do you think that knowledge of the past is essential for understanding the present?

Exit Ticket

Assess student understanding and monitor progress toward this lesson's objective with an Exit Ticket.


Review the vocabulary words students have learned so far in the unit.


central idea


text-specific, often recurring ideas that the author explores in some detail.


To ensure that students are prepared for the next lesson, have students complete the following reading for homework. Use guidance from the next lesson to identify any additional language or background support students may need while independently engaging with the text.

  • Book: The Giver by Lois Lowry  — Chapters 14-15

While reading, answer the following questions.

  • What memory does The Giver transfer to Jonas at the beginning of chapter 14? How does Jonas react?

  • Why did The Giver advise the Committee of Elders that each family should only have two children?

  • What does Jonas realize as he is trying to help Gabe fall asleep? How does he respond to this realization?

  • What memory does the Giver transmit to Jonas in chapter 15?

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Common Core Standards

  • RL.6.2 — Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Supporting Standards

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